A safer space for writers of all kinds and experience, both as a place to work & a place to share.

Emma Marion

Emma Marion

Emma Marion is a 21 year old Canadian writer, and a second year student at Mount Royal University, pursuing a degree in the Education program. Emma has always had a passion for writing and sharing stories, and loves exploring new ways to put her ideas down on a page. The main genre of these works is fiction and romance, though she has two non-fiction projects in workshop, while also hoping to explore the Western subgenre more. Emma has a lengthy list of hobbies and activities she loves to take part in, such as volunteering with the Girl Guides of Canada, playing video games, camping, vinyl collecting, and so much more. Her biggest inspirations come from her family members, especially her mother and sisters, with honorable mentions going to her dog Nikki, and cats Mabel and Phyllis.

Latest Writings



I’m reminded of Jace…
At the crosswalk by the hockey rink I first saw him play
Barely able to stay standing on his own two feet
Creating distance from his old self to his new
Dominating on the ice today, making us proud

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